Profile PictureSam Hyde

last hasan callout then getting back to work... get me this guy babe dont care what it takes


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I hope you win and the poor black kids win too

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Wanna see you tire him out and then fucking go to town on him. Going to do my best to get the word out.

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I fucking hate niggers

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Tired of hassassan's big words. The internet needs a champion to put this communist in his place. It will be literally Rocky irl

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Dan McGreasy

Sorry but I can't agree with your comparison, It'll be essentially an unintentional scene for scene recreation of the opening fight between Ivan Drago (Sam) and Apollo Creed (Hamas Piker) although I hope for Hamas' sake he gives up while finally admitting to his army of retard fans (they are actually entirely comprised of the mentally/physically handicap) how he doesn't believe in a single view he regurgitates to his double digit IQ possessing viewers.

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Hasan doesn’t want his cheeks spread even though he’s gay

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now this is the quality content im payin for

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First sam hyde mail in nearly a year

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giveaway the ps5s and i will help. i earned that stupid ps5 and i want it TOOTSWEET. did you see my video with the joe rogan pinata???? its tops and i will have a crisis if i dont win one of those ps5s. are you hearing me??? HELLO!!!????

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Soft like his uncle.

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Sam is an animal, for sure. Would like to see that fight. But if Hassan is smart, he will bring a choker to the match... things gomma get soon ugly.

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Deirdre Verdolino

Have work to do boo

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fuckk him up

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President Long Boi

It’s be cool to see Sam in a fight. Good luck brother!

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Wonder if he'll ever stop being a coward...

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I wanna see you wreck this guy, hated him for a long time now and someone needs to do it.

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I find these hilarious honestly. Id be fine if you bullied hasan for a couple weeks.

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Dan McGreasy

Well luckily for you (as well as the rest of the world outside of that champagne socialists' viewers) Sam has kept this going for over half a year now and as Hasan continuously ignores it beside the one time during a twitch stream I hope Sam and fans never eases up with the bombardment of trolling he deals with on a daily basis.

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Brandon Switzer

Sargon shredded him with words , now time to squash his stupid antifa face

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Please take this racist down, Sammy. Me and my crackas are rootin 4 u

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Brandon Vancour

[g0d speaks in b1nary]

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Sam, you risk contracting GRIDS if you tangle with this cockroach.

Texas.. Live show + Meet and Greet

P Diddy..... did it

Fishtank Finale starting NOW...

merch (Cash Star) update for yall

its coffee you schizophrenic idiot

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